
Showing posts from February, 2022

Historical and cultural context of Live Aid

In 2015, BBC News published an article titled 'Thirty years of talking about famine in Ethiopia - why's nothing changed?' The article centres around the quote "There will not be famine of any sort, let alone anything remotely like the magnitude of that of 1984." The BBC stated that the quote came from the Ethiopian Embassy in London and that for people aged over 30 the sentence holds a special kind of meaning. This is because those people saw the the TV reports in the 1980s showing thousands of children and adults starving to death. However, three decades on the UN is warning that 15 million Ethiopians will need food aid. The articles includes a description of a new report that happened in the same week of its publication and in it one man who lived through the famines of the 1980s says he expects the same thing will happen to Ethiopia in the following months to the release of the report. BBC documentaries have also been reliable as it is a Public Service Broadcas