Outline of my progress through the EPQ

June-  Initial research into chosen topic of Live Aid and the legacy in which it created. I was still slightly unsure of this topic so I focused mainly on the event itself to begin with. I plan to use the BBC 2 documentary 'Live Aid: Against All Odds' to gain more knowledge about the event and the lead up to it. 

July- I plan to use articles from newspapers and entertainment websites accounting the day itself and what happened. I have changed my main title of my EPQ and now it will focus more on question of whether or not Live Aid could happen again.  I found out about the acts of the day and how Geldof managed to recruit them, I also found out the achievements of the event, e.g. the amount raised. 

September- I plan to start looking into articles focused on how Live Aid was run, this means focusing on the venue and what possibly went wrong. I plan to link this to how these things would be avoided in the modern day. I found out quite a lot of information about this and how the event took place. This involved live tv, advanced satellite technology and a lot of communication to achieve what Bob Geldof had in mind.  

October- Look into what would be different if Live Aid was done in today's society in order to argue if it could happen again in today's technological age. I also plan to look into other similar events which have happened since Live Aid. I managed to distinguish between the difference of the event in 1985 and how it would be different today, many things that went wrong in 1985 probably would not go wrong today. I also found out about concerts that have happened since, I did this by looking through the websites of the events and videos of the event. 

November- I plan to look into different articles about whether or not they themselves believe Live Aid could be achieved again and justify their reliability. I will also decide whether or not I agree with them to help me reach a conclusion myself. I took a lot of consideration when it came to a quote by Geldof which I plan to add to my dissertation. 

Before Christmas- I aim to look more into other benefit concerts or events which have taken place since Live Aid and see how they compare to Live Aid, similar or not? What I will do with this information is look into whether or not Live Aid inspired it, how similar it is or whether it would have happened without Live Aid. I will use the resources I used before as well as conduct more research through new articles. I plan to see the amounts that these events raised and see if they are capable of being another Live Aid. 

January- I plan to look into the historical context of Live Aid, more notably the reports on the Ethiopian famine. This means researching Michael Beurk's reports into the famine. I found two reliable newspaper reports about the reports, one by BBC news and the other by the Guardian. These were both reliable as they are monitored by OFCOM and therefore cannot report false information. 

The rest of the time- For the rest of my project I plan to write my dissertation using the research I have conducted. I will be referencing and using my time efficiently. 


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